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Dedicated to Manitowoc's Tavern Keepers Past and Present
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“A year from now, no one will remember that Tim Riley had a bar right on that corner, or that he sold beer for a nickel a glass.”
They’re Tearing Down Tim Riley’s Bar, Rod Serling’s Night Gallery – January 20th, 1971
This is a history of Manitowoc taverns from the 1800’s to the present. A simple fact is found in the total number of taverns operating each year: Since prohibition – always above 75 and sometimes approaching 100. Taverns are and have always been a central part of the Manitowoc social fabric.
This site is mostly a collection of images – images with a lot of stories to tell. If you have any photos or memorabilia of Manitowoc taverns, please consider donating the images to this non-profit archive.
Oh, by the way – the picture you see at the top of the page is of my mother and two friends taken at Orville’s Bar in the late 40’s. I’m sure glad she kept a few photos.
Enjoy the site.
Joe Kazda
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Copyright of all content in this site, and the site itself is the property of or used by permission of the owner(s). This site is solely for your private, personal, and non-commercial use. All material and photo reproduction is strictly prohibited without the express written or verbal permission of
You can send your scanned photos to my e-mail or post them to facebook at manitowoctavernhistory. I’ll also meet with you and scan them when I’m in Manitowoc. Any information or photos will be credited to the provider.
Photos showing the exterior of taverns or owners behind their bar are of particular value. I will take pictures of any bar memorabilia that show the tavern’s name as can be found on napkins, menus, and other barware.
Thank you,
Joe Kazda
1 E-mail: (please put Tavern History in the message heading so it doesn’t end up as junk mail).
2 Connect on Facebook at: Manitowoc Tavern History (if you are not logged in to Facebook, you’ll get a page not found error!)
3 Write to me at: Manitowoc Tavern History, PO Box 70, Markesan, WI 53946