818/819 Washington St.

818 Washington

Pribek’s Bar – circa late 1930’s . Jim Pribek stands outside his tavern. Image courtesy of his grandnephew, James Pribek.

Hook’s Place – circa 1942. The building on the far left (only partially visible) is the tavern.

819 Washington

Schindler House – August 23, 1935. Ad – Manitowoc Sun newspaper.

Hook’s – circa early 1940’s – matchbook.

Hook’s Tavern – circa 1940’s – bar token, front.

Hook’s Tavern – bar token, back.

Courthouse – circa 1940’s. The building to the right would have been Leonard Hook’s or Jack’s bar at 819 Washington St. Photo from an old postcard.

Jack’s Bar – August 9th, 1948. The bar is the building partially visible on the far right. This photo was taken by the city engineer’s office during the Washington St. widening project. The building was torn down many years ago.

Jack’s Bar – circa late 1940’s – matchbook, front.

Jack’s Bar – matchbook, back.

Aquarium Bar – 1953 – ad.