Kellner Saloon & Hotel – circa late 1800’s. This tavern was located at the intersection known as the Four Corners or Kellner’s Corners where Menasha Ave. meets Rapids Road. Standing at the back with a tray of drinks is William J. Kellner. Adam Bleser is standing in the second row on the far right. Standing behind the man seated at left is George Mittnacht Sr. This photo was submitted by Alice Khail.
Kellner Saloon – 1890s. Photo courtesy of Gary and Darlene Herrmann.
Bonin’s Buffet – 1933. Matchbook, front.
Bonin’s Buffet – matchbook, back.
Schuette’s Corner – August 23, 1935. Ad – The Manitowoc Sun.
Schuette’s Corner – circa late 1930s-early 40’s.
Manitou Bar – 1981 advertisement.
Club Manitou – 1985. This photo cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Wisconsin State Historical Society.
4708 Menasha Ave – 1986. This photo was taken shortly before the building was torn down. Photo courtesy of Michael Novak.
4708 Menasha site – November 2011. Looking at the corner where the Kellner Hotel/Tavern & Manitou Motel/Tavern once stood.